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Why use AIMS?

... because it is better, cheaper and easier to use

Integrated & Complete

Full of rich features that ensure your institution is running smoothly. All features are interconnected so that you don't need to invest in other systems and middle-ware to keep features integrated.


All of the power and complexity is under the hood in Elevation Technology- so that the end user performs complex tasks in a few quick clicks. Every feature takes fewer than 3 clicks to reach. The end user has an extremely simplified experience similar to a social app!


Eliminates the huge costs associated with systems built on outdated infrastructure. Elevations cloud based architecture is built with the future in mind. Updates are quick to develop and requires no downtime.

We believe that by empowering excellence you will
discover brilliance
  • The most ADVANCED system available
  • Advanced system designed for administrators
  • Tailor-made system for teachers
  • Simple access for parents and students
  • Data-driven real-time visualisations for management
  • Significantly Reduce Costs
  • Extremely simple and intuitive to use
  • Updates and new features throughout the year
  • Hassle-free cloud-based architecture
  • Ready to go live at any time
  • Improve school administration efficiency
  • A complete system- massive feature list
  • No need for supplementary software
  • No need for server/maintenance infrastructure
  • Minimal training required- support always available
  • Open-communication between end-users and developers
  • Internationalised- multilingual support
