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The student information system keeps track of everything related to students, including personal information, student finance, courses, timetables, attendance, results, progress, correspondence, safeguarding, personal development and much more.
Comprehensive management of school staff. The school office can process staff related data (from qualifications to subjects taught) in a consolidated user friendly section.
A powerful staff cover system built into AIMS ensures that when a staff member calls in sick, the school office can assess the complete staff-scnerio in a single glance, ensuring that suitable cover can be subsitutited immediately.
Manage students via their parents and guardians. Student finance/tuition fees can be grouped by parents.
Parents are given a login username and a password for the Parent Portal which provide access their child's attendance, behaviour, timetable and notes, coursework marks, mini-tests, final exams as well as overall attainment.
Parents are informed of behavioural issues as well as positive achievements. Teachers and staff can post notes which are accessible via the Parent Portal.
Real time status bar- the school office/admn can see where each student or teacher is at any given point and what they are learning/teaching. A snapshot of the student's current attendance, academic as well as personal progress can be viewed using the Live Status Bar.
AIMS have developed a underlying 8 key characteristics that can be quantified and tracked for each student. Personal development is a key objective, along with academic development, for many schools. Core personal development characteristics include:
Student safeguarding is a feature for logging, processing and resolving any student safeguarding concerns. All cases move through stages (unchecked, open and closed) to ensure that cases are properly looked into. Cases may be assigned to multiple categories and can assume one of 4 colour coded priorities.
Highly secure- the safeguarding section can be sectioned off to be exclusively used by a qualified safeguarding staff member.
AIMS simplifies the way applications forms are dealt with. They deal with multi-step applications, waiting lists, approved and rejected applicants.
A prospective student can be transferred into the school in a single click. This ensures that applications are simplified to a clean, concise and efficient system that is accessible to anyone.
AIMS supports a clean and concise way of managing any processes related to a specific subject in a single window. Subjects management can also be delegated to thos staff who teach their respective subjects. AIMS subject management comes with management of:
Teachers can create a syllabus for every subject. Subjects can be categorised for better structure. A school may recreate the syllabus based on the agenda set by the national curriculum. A syllabus can be created in order of concepts taught- this is particularly useful since each syllabus point can be ticked off as they are taught.
Subjects can be organised in a hierrarchical tree stucture. Subject departments can have an assigned Head of Department. There are no limits to the departmental structure- whether it is a single global department or 10 sub-departments, AIMS is flexible to apply a structure suitable for any given insititution.
In the same way academic subjects can be departmentalised, Registration Classes can also be structured. Registration classes are the foremost initial class structure of the school. AIMS is powerful enough to create any class structure.
Administrators have quick and real-time access to an overall attendance sheet. The school office can view which registers have been taken and which yet to be taken. Furthermore, attendance figures are also summarised as quick-view percentages. Summaries include attendance, punctuality, lateness rates as well as unauthorised absences.
Powerful timetabling subsystem for complex scenarios. Artificial Intelligent Timetabler will find multiple solutions in seconds...not minutes! To put into perspective, a standard personal computer was able to produce 10 independant annotated solutions to a timetabling problem in under 15 seconds: 145 subjects (between 3 and 5 lessons per week), 75 teachers, 5 days of 5 lesson slots- total ~550 lesson assignments without a single clash of room/teachers.
A dedicated scheduling grid to support exam scheduling using an intuitive graphical interface. Rooms and exam requirements can be drag and dropped along any date and time slot. The scheduled exams can be viewed by staff and parents.
Administrators have quick and real-time access to an overall attendance sheet. The school office can view which registers have been taken and which yet to be taken. Furthermore, attendance figures are also summarised as quick-view percentages.
The integrated solution means that the attendance data can be propagated throughout the system so that any dependant component is also updated immediately.
The lesson attendance register module is linked to the timetabling system; meaning that when a timetable is created or modified, attendance registers are automatically created to reflect this.
The attendance system provides the functionality to allow any the creation of registers of unplanned lessons. This is useful for when extra classes, replacement lesson or even switched lessons need to be accounted for.
The Attendance component elegantly notifies administrators which registers haven't yet been taken and generates the necessary alerts to inform the administrators of this.
AIMS support the logging of authorised absences. Standardised absence codes are used (24 character-coded symbols). Authorised absences can be pre planned or added in hindsight. Future/past lesson registers are automatically updated to reflect authorised absences.
The authorised absence data is interconnected are propagated throughout the various modules including reports. Student attendance report, school attendance analytics immediately recalculated to ensure that the school has update accurate attendance data- where distinction between authorised and unauthorised absences.
Calendar events are propagated throughout the system. Students/Staff can view any event that they are associated with. Furthermore events can be associated with subjects too.
Events can be simple- span hours (or minutes if you wish!). However, events can also span a full day or even multiple days. The calendar provide the simplified visualisation to make any type of event easily distinguishable.
As an event is looming, the alert and notification features come in to play. Alerts are provided in stages. Events that are held during the current week are given a higher alert- and the current day's events are brought to the user' attention!
AIMS provides a granular, flexible and precise access control mechanism to the data.
User privileges along with detailed access/process logs provide auditing features to identify specifically who, where and when data protection has been breached.
Schools can apply user privileges to any staff/teacher. You can set detailed privilege settings- there are up to 50 settings that can be checked- ensuring that a school can have precise control of who can access or process what. There are several predefined settings out of the box too.
The school office can communicate with staff, students and parents. Staff members can view messages using dedication staff portal. Parents can access messages and respond to them via the parent portal. The Message Board module provides a single window to quickly create, monitor and respond to messages.
Built in to the student admin system is the financial tracking feature. Student fees as well as special discounts can be set. Whether by cash, bank transfer, cheque or any other payment method, all payments are logged and each individual transaction is given a unique reference number. The finance system is integrated with the overall system and can feed into the reporting system, allowing the management of repayments to be done with ease.
Also known as petty cash, student payments involve arbitrary payments that are not structured, such as trip fees, event fees, book fees or any other fees that may arise in the day to day running of the school. This is separate from the Student Finance (admission fees section).
The school office can see what has been collected and what is owed by students. This is useful for schools that want to keep an integrated module to keep track of petty cash payments. Reports per student/class/event can be generated in a single click.
Whether it is the national grading standards (GCSE, Points based, Key Stages, SATS) or your own internal custom grading system. Each assessement can be graded, enabling student academic progress analysis- including growth and proficiency targets.
The assessment tab allows the school and staff to get a quick overview of a students' overall grade as well as a breakdown of individual assessment marks.
As a highly integrated subsystem within the overall AIMS ecosystem, teachers, parents and students can get access to progress via the online portal. Students can be assigned target grades (for use with student/class/subject evaluation). For any given test, a teacher may support the result with personal development points (e.g. effort or attainment) with the aim of fusing together assessment targets with personal development objectives.
Lesson observations can be taken at any point throughout the year. Teaching standards can be observed and assessed by peers to learn and encourage better teaching standards. You can use any of the predefined observations- or create a completely bespoke observation criteria. Custom grading standards can be used for the creative observations.
Aggregated results can be analysed to see where the teachers rate themselves on average.
A teacher may recommend an intervention programme or a take the inititative to set up an activity- whether during lesson time or after/pre school. AIMS has a module to work with, monitor and track interventions and initiatives. Interventions can:
You can set up a Key Phases throughout the academic year. Unlike exams/tests, Key Phases are preplanned checkpopints whereby tutors and staff can assess students over a given period. With this data, you can identify how each individual student progressed academically.
Arbitrary assessments (unlike Key Phases) can be taken throughout the year. These can be simple 10-question tests at the end of each week. Over time, you can build up a snapshot of each student for any given subject- and what their performance is throughout the year.
The assessment module displays colour coded reports. You can see improvements as well as dips in performance at a glance. You can compare a student with the class average in order to develop further academic improvement initiatives.
In a single click- produce reports for an individual student, a class or even the entire school. Each report can be customised to contain any of the following: